Cancellation Request
To start the cancellation process, please fill in the form below. When you have confirmed the cancellation, our support team will send you a confirmation via email. We will keep servicing your account throughout the cancellation period.

We are sorry that you have chosen to cancel your contract. If there is anything that we can do to make you reconsider, please get in touch with our MD Harry at
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email *
Which service(s) would you like to cancel? *
When would you like your cancellation period to start? (T&Cs apply) *
Which domain(s) does this affect? *
IF APPLICABLE: What would you like us to do with your website?
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Yes, we can improve, and we need your help. Please, let us know why you want to cancel your contract.
How would you rate your overall experience with Umi Digital?
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Suggestions for improvement
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