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Direct Booking Strategy

How Remarketing Can Skyrocket Your Hotel’s Direct Bookings

12 September 2023


What a remarketing campaign is and how hotels can use it to increase direct bookings?

In today’s digital age, it’s not enough for hotels to simply have a website and hope that potential guests will book a stay. With so many options available, hotels need to employ digital marketing strategies to stand out from the competition and increase direct bookings. One such strategy is a remarketing campaign, which can help hotels to re-engage previous website visitors and encourage them to make a direct booking. In this blog post, we’ll explore what a remarketing campaign is and how hotels can use it to increase direct bookings.

What is a Remarketing Campaign?

A remarketing campaign is a type of online advertising that targets users who have previously visited a website but did not make a conversion, such as a booking. Through the use of cookies and other tracking technology, the website can identify these users and display targeted ads to them as they browse other websites.

Remarketing campaigns can be used for a variety of purposes, such as increasing brand awareness, promoting a specific product or service, or in the case of hotels, encouraging direct bookings.

How Can Hotels Use a Remarketing Campaign to Increase Direct Bookings?

Hotels can use a remarketing campaign to re-engage previous website visitors and encourage them to make a direct booking. Here’s how:

Install Remarketing Tags

The first step in creating a remarketing campaign is to install remarketing tags on the hotel’s website. These tags will enable the hotel to track website visitors and create targeted ads that will be displayed to those visitors when they browse other websites.

Define the Target Audience

The next step is to define the target audience for the campaign. In this case, the audience would be users who have previously visited the hotel’s website but did not make a booking. The hotel can further refine the audience based on factors such as the pages visited, the time spent on the website, or the number of visits.

Create Targeted Ads

The next step is to create targeted ads that will be displayed to the previous website visitors. These ads should be personalised and relevant to the visitors’ interests and preferences. For example, if a visitor viewed a specific room type or package on the hotel’s website, the ad could display that same room type or package along with a call-to-action to make a direct booking.

Set a Budget and Bidding Strategy

To ensure that the remarketing campaign stays within budget, it is important to set a budget and bidding strategy. The budget should be set based on the desired reach and frequency of the campaign, while the bidding strategy should be set based on the ad platform being used.

Launch and Monitor the Campaign

Once the campaign is launched, it is important to monitor its performance and make adjustments as needed. This can include adjusting the ad targeting, ad copy, or bidding strategy to optimise the campaign and achieve the desired results.

Retarget with Special Offers

To further incentivize previous website visitors to make a direct booking, hotels can also retarget them with special offers. For example, the hotel could offer a discount on room rates or a complimentary breakfast for direct bookings made within a certain time frame.

In conclusion, remarketing campaigns can be a highly effective way for hotels to increase direct bookings by re-engaging previous website visitors. By following these steps, hotels can create a remarketing campaign that is targeted, relevant, and incentivizing, leading to an increase in direct bookings and improved customer retention.

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