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Social Media

Four Social Media Platforms You Should Be Watching

Social media is constantly developing and changing with new platforms and ways to use them arising every day. Recently we’ve […]

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Advertising With Emojis

In today’s crowded advertising environment everyone is trying desperately to cut out their own slice of the market before their […]

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Periscope – The most personal marketing opportunity yet?

Social media has incrementally changed marketing by giving businesses the chance to engage with people online in an inherently sociable […]

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The 80-20 Rule of Social Media

In the digital economy businesses don’t have the luxury of choice when it comes to social media, it’s a sort […]

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The Importance of Dialogue in Social Media

The effectiveness of mass media in marketing has been shown time and time again with iconic ads from companies like […]

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The Three Ways You Should Be Using Social Media

In today’s market the use of social media has made a shift from luxury to necessity. Social media has become […]

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Snapchat is Becoming the Modern Travel Guide

Since the beginning of time people have been traveling and sharing stories about their adventures with whoever they meet along […]

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Free Buzzwords

The average person will look at a website for between 10 and 20 seconds before deciding if they’ll explore it […]

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So-Lo-Mo Approach

Don’t worry. We haven’t gone slightly mad and forgotten how to spell. At Umi, we’re all about self-empowerment for independent hospitality […]

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