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Hospitality Insights

Periscope – The most personal marketing opportunity yet?

29 July 2015


Social media has incrementally changed marketing by giving businesses the chance to engage with people online in an inherently sociable environment. From the earliest Facebook ads at the side of the screen to Snapchat leaving short video messages on your phone, the level of personal marketing and engagement has gradually increased which is perfect for marketing.


Periscope is a live video streaming platform, which means you can broadcast a live recording of yourself to your Persicope and Twitter followers.

PeriscopePeriscope is an iOS and Android application that takes digital marketing potential to new heights of personal interaction. Periscope allows users to broadcast from a mobile device to the entire world in real time. Snapchat and Google half did this but it was either not live (Snapchat) or you were confined to broadcasting from a static computer (Google Hangouts). Periscope brings the two together.


We now have a live TV channel at our disposal that anyone, anywhere can view and engage with.


Viewers can show their appreciation in real time (with hearts) and also send through their comments that overlay the broadcast.

The applications for the hospitality industry are endless but here are a view to give you a head start. First few are on the house:

  1. Broadcasting the head chef cooking an amazing meal
  2. The beautiful view from your hotel at sunrise
  3. A live broadcast of events close to the hotel, Tour de France going past perhaps?
  4. Guided tour of your establishment. Viewers can ask questions along the way
  5. Daily update message from the manager with exclusive offers for anyone watching
  6. Every member of staff has to tell a joke every day

I am sure you can also think of examples that fit your business, so why not make this the week that you sign up for an account, invite your existing social following, and give it a try?

“I don’t have time”

“Our customers don’t use it”

“Peri peri what? Wait no. Periscope.”

We understand – We’ve been there – We’ve managed hotels, run restaurants, built tour operators etc. BUT we can also assure you that with the correct strategy, your business can benefit immensely from using social media correctly.

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