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Looking back on 2013

08 January 2014


So it’s 2014 already. Time flies when you’re having fun! 2013 surely was busy but was also quite an amazing year for the Umi Digital team! Check out the highlights:


In July, we took on some other teams in the National Hostel Cup and go to the quarter finals. We also took part in the Standard Chartered Great City 5K race. Both these events raised money for charity, the latter for Seeing is Believing (which we did some promotion for to raise a little more for their cause).

We moved to a bigger office in London and started a second umi Digital office in conjunction with Salford University in Media City Salford!

We attended some great shows and exhibitions, e.g. The Annual Hotel Conference, The Independent Hotel Show and The World Travel Market. Not only were the shows a great success but they gave us a chance to meet and connect with some great people.

We spent the whole month of October without a zip of alcohol for MacMillan Cancer Support and as result, gave a nice sum of money to MacMillan as a donation to their good cause!

On the 1st of November we had the double celebration that we could drink alcohol again AND had the 3th birthday of umi Digital!

We won silver for ‘Best Support Service’ at the British Youth Travel Awards and won the ‘Highly Recommended Best Website’ award at the 2013 Hotel Marketing Awards. The fact that we got nominated for these awards gives us the will and power to work even harder and go for gold in 2014!


 2013 was an amazing year, we would like to wish everybody all the best for 2014 and that it may top the year before! 

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