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What Will 2017 Bring to the Hospitality Industry?

Well what a year this has been. Brexit, Trump, mergers and acquisitions of Hotel brands and the emergence of some […]

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Independents vs Branded in the US of A

I was fortunate to be invited to a wedding in California a few weeks back. Having to travel that far […]

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The Trends in Youth Travel – Style Over Substance?

Two weeks ago, the VP of Ford Motors was interviewed on BBC News and asked why the company was pursuing […]

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Market Experiences Instead of Material Goods

With each passing generation new marketing tactics and trends rise and fall to better reach the mature audience of that […]

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5 Hospitality Trends For 2015

As 2015 rolls past its halfway point some definitive market trends have started to develop in the hospitality industry. These […]

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Snapchat is Becoming the Modern Travel Guide

Since the beginning of time people have been traveling and sharing stories about their adventures with whoever they meet along […]

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The Fear Of Missing Out

Use The Fear… To Your Advantage! Increasing WIFI access, 4G availability and smart-phone usage means social media usage is higher […]

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Creating an Emotional Relationship with Guests

What is the biggest advantage a hotel website has over an OTA? I often get asked, “how can we get rid […]

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Social Media Going 360

The unexpected purchase of Oculus Rift VR by Facebook this week certainly left us at Umi Digital pondering over how […]

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