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Real World AI: How to Use Tech to Improve Your Hotel

Are you looking to explore how the use of real world AI can improve your business?    With AI dominating […]

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Website for a Small Business | The Key to Success for Independent Hotels

Are you looking for ways to effectively build a website for a small business?   Your website is often the […]

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Elements of A Successful Hotel Ad

Much is changing in the way hotels advertise in the digital sphere. Whether it be launching on new platforms that […]

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How playing Football Manager could help you with Marketing

With Jonathan Van-Tam receiving a knighthood for, among other things, his use of footballing analogies for the workplace, I thought […]

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Success Story: How Umi helped generate £15k monthly voucher revenue for a boutique hotel

Throughout lockdown, the Umi team embarked on a fast-paced innovation cycle to create tools to support hotels through the crisis. This post is about how Pop Up Purchasing was created and how our tool helped generate over £15,000 for one particular hotel and supported their overheads throughout the crisis.

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Guide to Localised and Translated Facebook Ads for Hotels

Localised Facebook Ads for hotels are showing some highly promising results and are worth considering in your marketing strategy if […]

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Google Signals for Hotel Conversion Tracking

We are always looking for new ways to improve and expand the products and services we can offer our partner […]

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The World’s Wackiest Hotels

Did you know that in today’s modern era, there are roughly over 187,000 different hotels operating around the world, with a […]

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A Decade of Airbnb | How Airbnb Changed Hospitality

Airbnb has now been serving the public for the last ten years and has single-handedly changed the way many of […]

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