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Hotel Branding: Consumers Number One Choice

05 April 2013



Companies in the tourism world are all on the hunt to make their special place stand out. They search for countless ’secret weapons’ to give them that extra boost over competitors. However, what if we told you that the ’secret weapon’ wasn’t so much of a secret? When we stepped back and took a look at each of the various players in the tourism industry, we soon realised that companies are falling short not because of lack of effort, but due to misguided direction.


What is misguided direction you ask?

All companies are aware that they need to have a brand in order to have a successful company, but more often than not, companies believe that having a catchy slogan or icon constitutes as their brand. It is true that slogans, adverts, and icons can all act as a vehicle to move your message, but at the end of the day, those are just vehicles. A brand is a set of values and connections that resonates and builds a relationship between the consumer and company. In the tourism world, it makes the consumer not only commit to buying a room, but also supporting and aligning themselves with the company in the future.

So, how can you ensure that you are selling a brand and engaging with you audience? No need to worry, we are here to help! By following these three steps, we believe you can build that relationship up in no time – and if you can’t, well, you can always hire us to help!


Step one: You can’t see opportunities with closed eyes

First, and most importantly, look at what your other competitors are doing. More often than not, you will see the same companies are all doing the same thing. Beach towns promote their scenic ocean and delicious fish, while ski resorts highlight their great mountains and snow. All of these are things your consumer already knows!! If you are a ski resort, we hope for the sake of everyone’s safety you have snow and if you don’t have fish in your ocean, then that’s an even huger problem! Consumers know the stereotype of each city; it is up to you to tell them more, whether that be about the city or your hotel. In short, let the audience leave with more information than they came.


Step two: Yesterday’s trophies don’t win today’s games

You don’t have to be a new company to have a new image. As times are changing and our world is becoming even more digitally connected, we are slowly learning that past beliefs are not always the ones that work today. Look at your consumers and see what will best connect with them. Our best tip on doing this is taking a step back. Don’t look at your company as you or someone who works with you would, but as a visitor. Pretend you have never been to your city before and are aimlessly walking the streets, lost with no direction. What would you look for? Who would you connect with? If you can build this connection with your audience, you will then be able to hone in on your company’s overall brand and develop a solid foundation for a strong marketing strategy. Brands aren’t built over night, but by developing this, you will allow all the other pieces to properly come together.


Step three: Same name, different games

Once you have fully developed your brand, you need to work even harder to maintain it across all platforms. A brand is not something that can only be reflected in one brochure or a website; everything, and we mean everything, needs to have the same consistent voice! This doesn’t mean you can’t be creative, because you will need to be creative. It just means that no matter what platform your customers connect to you with; they need to feel the same, intimate connection.

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